Early check-in will be available at the Puryear Park clubhouse from 6:00pm - 8:00pm on Tuesday 3/18 to Friday 3/21. Teams that do not check-in early must check-in at the complex of their first game 1 hour prior to the scheduled start time. Below is the list of items needed at check-in:
- Five (5) copies of the team’s FYSA original roster with player numbers. ***FYSA or US CLUB ROSTERS WILL BE ACCEPTED (This is the same roster you would use during your regular season). TOURNAMENT CHECK-IN ROSTERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED***
- Each team will be allowed up to 5 guest players. Guest players from within the same club and added electronically to the official FYSA roster will be accepted. Players not on the official FYSA team roster MUST have a completed and signed guest player form presented at check-in and you MUST also hand write the guest players name, DOB, jersey number and player pass number on the bottom of each roster (all 5 copies).
- Any players that are on your official roster but not participating in the Best of the Bay soccer tournament should be crossed out prior to check-in.
- Current medical release forms for each player. These are for review and will not be kept by tournament staff.
- Player/coach passes must be laminated and issued by the team’s governing body, and must be current and valid indicating player name, State association registration number and date of birth.
After checking in your team you will receive back:
- 4 stamped, "APPROVED" rosters (Tournament staff will keep one roster along with any guest player forms)
- Player & coach passes
- Medical release forms
Team Pre-Game and Post Game Procedure
1. Give stamped "APPROVED" roster to the referee
2. Give your teams half of the referee fees to the referee (U9-U10 = $25 / U11-U12 = $60 / U13-U14 = $75)
3. Referee is not required to collect or check player passes as they have been verified by tournament staff, however some referees may still want to verify player passes.
4. Referee will check players for safe and proper equipment
5. Initial score at your field on the game report immediately following the game
6. If you fail to initial the game report the tournament will not be held responsible for incorrect score reporting.